"In 85 percent of the physical assault crimes, the victims were Asian and the perpetrators were African American."

  1. Shit that happened near 50 years ago...causes these real and present animal acts you say? Destroyed families? Asians weren't allowed to HAVE families. Your 50 year excuse is laughable. The 85% criminality rate...nothing to racism? Right.

  2. We helped you out in the civil rights era fights; was a poor fucking investment. A lot of wasted time and effort for no goodwill.

  3. Asians have been screaming for BLM since it's foundation. Your community returns the favor by targeting Asians for crimes. 85%.

  4. Yellow peril has been around for centuries. Back in the early days, Chinese coolies were used for work where slave lives were too expensive. We can easily tough it out; and still prosper.

  5. But at the end of the day, some nice apologist work going on there. The day the Asians finally ditch their loyalty to other minorities that would not give a single shit about them to focus on their own issues is a day I am hoping will happen soon.


And you want us to blame white people for blacks targeting us for crimes.

Fucking LOL. Them critical thinking skills.

/r/aznidentity Thread Parent Link - sfgate.com