9/11 hero who saved hundreds dies of cancer at age 45

Being in DC you were a lot closer to the personal impact which is also probably why you remember it a lot better, besides the fact that it's a much bigger historical event.

A kid that is in to space who grew up in Idaho might be the other way around. Making memories as they happen is so much more powerful than reading about it later.

I think a quick blurb for people is a great way to help remember what happen and a few of the most important details. I'm pretty big in to history, but if you really think about it most people quickly forget even important details. Think about something like Bill Clinton's impeachment for example. Most people in our age range really don't know what happened. They probably know "Monica Lewinsky" or "there was something about an affair or a stained dress". But that really doesn't tell you anything about what happened. OJ trial is another example. We know he got away from a murder conviction but how many people really know who Ron Goldman is?

Things that seem obvious to some people quickly get forgotten by those who didn't live it in the moment. It's always nice to remind them.

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