9.19 Is About to Screw Us Over

I never said it's elitist. It's a fact. In every single game.

I never said you said it's elitist. I said your statement confirms that it's elitist. And just because most freemium games have pay 2 win mechanics doesn't make it right. I don't play other freemium games for that very reason. If bonds come to WoT then I will pull the plug here.

People complain in those games too that the COSMETIC items take too long to get or make progress in because it's the only progress system in the game.

Not sure why you're bringing this up. This has nothing to do with pay to win or mechanics that give elitists a mechanical advantage.

Also it should be common knowledge that it you don't have a great or even decent job, you should be putting energy into trying for one. Or you're lazy, or just very bad at budgeting, ...

Wait until you start a family and then lecture me about spending money in freemium games. Wait until you actually graduate from college before you lecture me about getting a good job. When you have a family you squeeze every dollar and good jobs where you have a good amount of disposable income after paying for kids are rare.

I can drop a tiny bit of money into the game every once in a while but what would be the point? I can't afford premium tanks or premium time.

Freemium games like WoT are ideally not supposed to be pay to win. These changes firmly push the game in that direction.

If you're not spending money on a game on simply based off the fact it's a 'free' game then you need to check your morals at the door and stop trying to force them on others by calling us elitist.

What percentage of the playerbase can afford to run T10s? You need to be a great player to make a profit playing them without premium. How fair is it that I would have to be dropping hundreds of dollars a year to run Tier 10s to get a few bonds since I would never leave the bottom category when you can do it for free and without paying hundreds of dollars in premium time?

Yes this game gives huge benefits to elitist players. The great players do much better than the tomatoes do even if the tomatoes are running premium. This cannot be denied. How great it must be to be a fucking unicum and never have to pay for anything then tell tomatoes that they are total shit and should spend money. How fair.

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