90 days of alimony left....

I hear you, and you're a mod so of course I understand your position.

But there's no fight here. OP and I are in agreement.

I have to beg your pardon, because I happened into this sub from /r/new and, like 99% of Reddit, did not read through every stipulating clause in your "don't post here before reading this" sidebar.

Having done so now, I can see several areas I may have violated -

Please don't... Assume that custody will go for/against you because of your gender; Make it a gender thing. Men cheat. Women cheat.

But I'm also replying in line with...

Please do...Rant or vent if you need to get it out of your system.

At any rate, it's not my intention to make the accusation that custody only goes to women, or that women are the bad guy in any thing (let alone all things). I'm sharing personal experience with sympathy for OP. His case sounds like a lot of others I've personally witnessed in coworkers and friends, and yeah I think it's an unfair system - but will absolutely admit I'm biased and not a divorce court lawyer. As far as I can tell, there's no fight here. If there was one, I would not participate now that I've had a chance to review the guidelines for the sub.

/r/Divorce Thread Parent