90 days off Heroin. Little plastic proof of all my hard work.

90 days isn't shit. You have a long fuckjng way to go. I quit smoking cold turkey 5 months ago and it sucks but that's not nearly long enough. Once it has been 5 years I'll look at it as an accomplishment. How do you feel after just 90 days?

I have childhood friends, close people I have known for 10-15 years, and they are addicted to heroin. First they started taking oxy's back before they took blues off the streets. This was prolly 7 years ago when you could still get them from old people, etc. I never tried them because I was always the guy that turned down drugs (besides weed).

The guys on blues would pop them and then get really high, they lost weight from puking during their high. One of them spent the night at my house and stole my iPod so that he could get more blues. At that point he was smoking them. Used to keep tinfoil and a plastic straw on him all the time. Started hanging around with people who were more gross and more shady than any of his other drugged out knocks.

At this point as far as I know he is a full fledged knock, I haven't seen him I. A while, he has been in and out of jail, his closest friend from our original high school group is also a knock. They smoke heroin and walk around parking lots outside of merchandise stores looking for receipts that they can use so they can steal the item listed and the. Go return it for money.

Heroin is fucking gross but it's always the scum of he earth that really seems to frolic around it. I have yet to meet a meth head but maybe I will one day. These people ruined weed for me, they ruined a lot of stuff for me. They destroyed my friendships and they are always in trouble with the law. They would probably stab me in the back and steal my shit if they could, and hey have in the past. All for more heroin.

Have some self respect man. I don't fee a thing for you. You brought that shit on yourself. It was your choice. You have to own up to your mistakes and your lifestyle. 90 days clean ain't shit. Once you relapse and you're on the streets it won't be long before you're in jail wasting tax dollars in rehab programs bouncing around aimlessly avoiding real jail time and real co sequences for your disgusting habit.

/r/pics Thread Link - i.imgur.com