"This is 911, we already know. Arm yourself and lock your doors. Good luck and God bless." [TT]

Chris sprinted down the stairs and grabbed his shotgun. "Jen, get the kids and hide in the fucking basement," he yelled. He peeked through his bedroom window only to see his neighbors lying in a pool of blood, lifeless. Chris took out his phone and frantically called 911. "This is 911, we already know. Arm yourself and lock your doors. Good luck and God bless." Chris cried hysterically, thinking that this is when his family will die.

He scampered over to his room, and loaded 4 shotgun shells and took a knife. Looking through the window, he saw them. 3 men in heavy armor slowly walking through the street, shooting any body they found. He whimpered once he saw his own nephew on the street. The rest of his family were dead. He couldn't take the criminals head on, and he stared in horror as his nephew was shot in the head, chest, and leg. Blood completely gushed out of his body. He soon realized why the police were not coming. A helicopter flew overhead, containing a man firing a mini gun all around the city. He could not believe what he was witnessing. More and more helicopters and jets arrived. This was it. Rebels will take over this city. The police could do nothing. And he and his family were the only people left.

There was soon a knock at the door. Chris stood behind it, shotgun in hand. The door collapsed. Chris held his breath, aimed his gun, and fired.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread