911 call from Breonna Taylor's shooting death released: "Somebody kicked in the door and shot my girlfriend"

I agree, the job isn't very stressful in the sense of what you hear. I can't control what's happening and I get help going as quick as I can. I can't do shit from a phone. When the calls over it's done. I think honestly we are the type that fit this job so well, most of my center seems to be like that luckily.

The only time I get stressed is when really bad MVAs happen and the radio just overwhelms you. My PSAP runs two city law, county law, ambulance, 2 city fire, 8 rural fire, and a rescue team. So when bad shit happens you may need to monitor 4+ channels and start the movement of support assets at the same time. By far the worst tome I've had there was when a tornado hit the city. We had 3 people that day, every single channel(about 17 channels) lit up and was giving damage and injury reports so you couldn't just tune one out. Not to mention fielding something like a hundred 911 calls per minute. I joked that I went to work 23 years old and left 28.

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