911 Dispatchers; What’s the scariest/weirdest call you’ve ever gotten?

Officer here... In my academy they taught a “critical incident stress management” course. They taught everyday stress management in other courses but this course was particularly about dealing with the kinda stress that you have to deal with when you’re handed an absolute shit sandwich of a situation. During the course the instructor played a 911 call that was hands down the most intense one I’ve heard. Basically a male calls in and states he’s at [address] and he’s just killed his wife. The dispatcher asks him why he did that and how he did it and basically all of the pertinent questions that a dispatcher should. He replies that he shot her and did so because she was cheating on him.

You could hear the dude walking around the house while he was having the conversation with the dispatcher. At one point you can hear the guy walk over to his wife to answer a question for the dispatcher and you can hear her sucking chest wound gurgle and her gasping through the phone.

The dispatcher asks if anyone else is in the house and the guy admits their 9 month old baby was but he shot it too. Then he tells the dispatcher that he soaked the house in gasoline and that he will blow up if anyone tries to enter.

Standard procedure is to keep hot calls on the line until units arrive so the call was pretty long... 10 minutes or so I think. Eventually you can hear an airship overhead and the responding units’ sirens, at which point the dude shoots himself in the chest, all while still landline.

The instructor tells us that they got there and found all three with the house soaked in gasoline. Not sure which agency the call went to, but the instructor led us to believe that it was a local one. I tried to find the audio, but was unable to.

/r/AskReddit Thread