99.9% of overweight people lack basic self control/discipline.

it became easier and easier to be lazy

Wait; you are saying that the system allows us to be lazy easier? But that same system does not promote obesity? Damn, you must not be able to follow the logic very far.

"The system" refers to soceity, culture, and programs that are all exacerbating out problems. I am guessing that is where we are getting confused and disagreeing.

The fact that our soceity still promotes old values regarding food (eating at certain times rather than energy needs, eating an exuberant amount of celebratory food and drink, general misinformation when it comes to losing weight, social awareness programs promoting obesity I.E. HAES), yet the lifestyle of our new soceity promotes sedentary work and labor of the mind rather than body has created numerous health issues.

When I say "system" I don't mean there is some nefarious system where people are being manipulated into becoming fat.

And I think you are looking too personally at the problem; blaming individual laziness gets us no where near solving the problem, which I would like to solve before my health insurance rates skyrocket due to the amount of obese people reaching older and older age, and the total amount of obese proportion of soceity on the rise.

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