9b Total White Knight Downed after Flaunting in Local [Kronos + Pod]

I understand that he was a loudmouth braggart and even deserved it even though he's a new bro, it's not my point, plenty of people deserve to be ganked and I'll chuckle along when it's truly deserved, however this time I couldn't help myself to reflect on the fact that why this is so easy and prevalent is because ganking consequences are broken.

I care about the fact that there should be actual consequences for ganking, there are virtually none today and considering how easy ganking is to partake in it just feels silly to even look at gank mails lately, it's not cool, it's just a systematic abuse of game mechanics, especially the standard catalyst vs. miner thing is over the top and silly.

You'll see just below my original post outright statements saying it's easy to defend against ganks, when it truly isn't even possible when a planned gank goes into play.

Also note the perfect case scenarios of alignment etc. applied into an idea of highsec activity to justify easy ganks even, senseless entitlement.

I'm not one who believes ganking should remain the onesided sport it is without consequence, it should be an option available for taking out lucrative high priority targets like this guy was, but with a heavy consequence as a criminal act.

Partaking in cold blooded murder and able to do it again after a trivial time and a reship isn't reasonable and most people who actually think about it would agree.

Consequences for murder in EVE are too lenient and the ability to become an upstanding citizen after/during a criminal career is much too easy as well, second chances and all that, when in EVE it's simply about a license to murder.

Decisions need to have consequences, the consequence for flying a blinged ship is you'll probably get yourself ganked by criminals.

The consequence for criminals who kill is what exactly?

A suicide bomber IRL dies, a bank robber risks going to jail, a murderer even risks going to the chair etc, yet in EVE criminals suffer hardly any consequences at all worth mentioning and are systematically perpetual repeat offenders.

You do the crime, you do the time is all I'm saying, yet that seems wholly unpopular to the point of me probably needing to delete this post too due to mass down votes.

/r/Eve Thread Parent Link - zkillboard.com