A1 Scoped is the best thing that has happened to Tfue in the last couple of months. Change my mind

I’m mainly responding to the claims of what makes ppl immature that have been made in this thread. Out of that data set I just mentioned none of those people consistently (yes maybe once in a year they do one of these things nobody is perfect):

1) routinely complain about life not rolling the dice in your favor (getting “focused” by lobby or unluckily double/triple head dinked by an opponent)

2) refuse to accept the consequences of their actions (shooting 150 AR bullets in zones 2 and 3 and then complaining about no ammo)

3) immediately proclaiming that you are the best and everyone around you is shit when you do a good job on something (don’t need to further explain this point)

4) make huge scenes on public social media when something doesn’t go your way (You see I’m making this mistake tonight nobody is perfect)

5) blame the world for issues you made (kinda combines points 1 and 2)

I don’t know if that was the response you were looking for but at least I think that explains more what I believe mature means.

There’s plenty of other examples but I’m about to put on Shawshank and I am not trying to discuss this anymore. I just hope everyone saw that the blanket statement that started this whole conversation was nothing more than a blanket statement.

/r/FortniteCompetitive Thread Parent