AAR Megathread #12

Here Kitty kitty kitty

Introduction The Johnson (Hans Greuber) is a retired researcher from the EVO Corporation, he has a special interest in Shifters. Hans had saved the money he earned, along with some family money had a mansion built along the western coast of Lake Sammamish. Underneath the mansion, he had built a large containment facility (3 sub basements) for containing subjects and his medical research (which he continues as both a hobby and private contractor). Miesmies, a jaguar shifter, had escaped the compound, and Hans is hiring a team of runners to bring him back before he can escape the city. Hans is omitting some truth to the runners, acting as though Miesmies is nothing more than an exotic pet, and claims he can’t go through legal means to get the Miesmies back, because he lacks the permits required to have a pet like this within the city. Runners Picked /u/Stormgrad as Skean /u/Dagonlives as Rew0rk /u/Wisconsen as Bulldawg /u/Kromgar as El Shaddai Body Pregame purchases: Bulldawg tries to find Banshee -> fails; Rew0rk tries for Rating 6 agent -> fails; Skean picks up 2 Metalinks as burners Shaddai – paid 50 nuyen for cab – had not yet chosen area of residence, has low lifestyle, decided Shaddai lives in Boise (far southeast side of Seattle) Entire group shoots to arrive approx. 15-30 early Since team was meeting at Johnson’s residence, Johnson had set up a lot of private security since runners are known as a criminal element. Security pats down all runners, looking for concealed weapons, and enforces that runners leave their weapons in their vehicles. Skean causes problems with security over his sword/knife, fails a concealability attempt, and after some arguments about magic finally leaves his knife in the banister of the mansion. Rew0rk allowed to carry in his deck, as security was only instructed to worry about weapons. Johnson offers 13,800k NuYen (3000 x 4 +15% bad feels), opposed negation test resulted in one hit in favor of players. Negotiation raised reward for job to 14,250. As a prank, Rew0rk hacks two of skean’s commlink, sets it up to play god save the queen or Queen Britianna when he activates it. Hans takes to underground facility, but not past Miesmies’s cage. The runners perform a basic physical investigation of the area, and Bulldawg store’s miesmies smell (cybernose with olfactory booster) from his couch. The team gets with the security chief of the estate, reviews various footage of Miesmies, when Miesmies attacked a ‘trainer’ after hiding from view for a couple of days, and escaped. The team was then informed of a tracker Miesmies had injected into his shoulder, and decided to use that as a starting point for the hunt. The team was also informed that the Johnson had already dispatched another team of security to bring Miesmies back four days ago, but hadn’t been heard from since. The tracker leads to the C zone (in the area just north of East Gate), but can’t be precise beyond 100 meters. During travel, Rew0rk had been sending a lot of messages over DNI, hoping to get Skean to respond. Miesmies agi 7 sneak 3 -> bulldawg smells weak trail leading into a hotel. Just outside of the hotel, Skean finally responds via DNI, and his metalink starts playing “God Save the Queen” loudly. Skean gets very upset, and repeatedly attempts to fiddle with Metalink to make it stop, causing the song to just keep restarting. Finally too upset, Skean throws Metalink on the ground, and stomps on it until it is no longer functional. Skean boots up one of his new Metalinks and rejoins the DNI, and has some choice works for Rew0rk, who he believes was the cause of the ‘prank’ Rew0rk matrix perceives inside of hotel, spots tracker’s icon, hacks on fly to gain mark, and then traces the icons location, shares with Bulldawg via DNI, and Bulldawg follows track in AR, using his nose to ‘confirm there is no trickery’. Trail leads to basement below lobby, where the employee lounge, management office, and other storerooms are present. They follow the trail into a darkened janitorial storeroom, Shaddai gets nervous and casts imp. Reflexes (resists drain). After turning on the lights, find small amount of dried blood in back corner of room, in mop bucket. Players find tracker has been removed, and left in mop bucket. Players investigate, no one notices lack of fur/hair in area, despite mess of blood etc not being cleaned up [Logic 4 test, closest was Rew0rk with 3]. Rew0rk feels he missed something, tried secondary perception test, 0 successes, searched room, found nothing new. Skean and Shaddai discuss using magic to track, Bulldawg doubles back on scent trail. Rew0rk decides to jack into camera to review surveillance of hallway. Shaddai casts imp invisibility on Rew0rk. Rew0rk is too short to jack into camera in hallway, has to find employee breakroom, move a table into corner, and jack into camera from the top of the table. After a few successful hacks, reviews footage. Notices a few people out of uniform, but only one went down hallway and came back still out of uniform. Passes word out to team, jacks out. Bulldawg picks up a new trail, and track miesmies into bar down the road. After minor argument Skean stunbolts Miesmies for 4 stun dmg. Cat pleads for freedom, offers payment to get him out of town. Runners capture cat anyway, literally put the cat in a bag, and carry him out of the bar. Bartender was hiding hobo for his girlfriend, who is a metahuman rights activist. Bartender gets in touch with them while team in in back, and they start heading that way, very quickly, in an Ares Roadmaster. Ares Roadmaster comes flying down the road, Skean casts Ice Sheet in front of Roadmaster attempting to cause them to crash. Rigger driving avoids crash, and stops the Roadmaster in front of the runners. Street Sam and Rigger exit vehicle, Decker stays in back of vehicle, starting to hack the runner’s WAN. Street Sam and Rigger yell to runners to drop the cat, and give them a chance before opening fire. Bulldawg ignores them, so combat starts. Bulldawg shotguns Rigger for 9P (rigger even used edge on def + full def), and was dropped to 1 box left [Rigger fails composure]. Skean stunbolts Street Sam for 8S. [Street Sam critically glitched composure]. Decker sees her team failing hard, but passes her composure test. She Matrix perceives their WAN, going to hack next pass. Street Sam pisses himself, drops his FN HAR and jumps back into the back of Roadmaster. Rigger’s pass arrives, and since he failed his composure, uses his full movement to run away, uses simple actions to call roadmaster and drones to follow him and use as a defense if runners pursue. Decker screams how her team are cowards, but stays in back of Roadmaster, cause she’s not stupid. Miesmies tossed into Bulldawg’s smuggling compartment, team returns to Johnson’s estate. En route, Bulldawg slips Miesmies 2 stun bolas, 2 HE bolas, a metalink, and allowed the shifter to keep the Ares Ped Bag Mark 3. Bulldawg informs Miesmies that he is sorry but he has to complete contract, but will stay in local area for 12 hours, and if Miesmies can escape again, Bulldawg will assist in getting him out of the city and to safety. Due to this, Miesmies stayed in human form, storing that stuff. After security/trainers check to ensure Miesmies isn’t harmed, they pay the runners.

5 hours 10 mins.

Karma Reward 3 Karma – bad feels for turning in someone who explained they were being medically experimented and tortured.

Nuyen Payout Initial offer 3000 x4 +15% for bad feels, +100 for each hit on opposed negotiation. Team had 1 net hit.

Contacts No contacts awared PA/Notoriety/SC No PA/Not/SC awarded Work for the man/for the people Skean - exchanged 10,000 NuYen for 5 Karma. Awarded 8K and 4250 NuYen. Item Purchases Shaddai – Dodge Scoot & 300 drams of reagant Skill and Attribute Increases Rew0rk: Trained computer specialization: Matrix perception for 7 karma Street Cred Purchases N/A

Drugs Used N/A

Addiction Tests N/A

GM Fodder Short gun battle broke out in East Gate. Several armed men were seen roaming the streets of East Gate. NPC activists survived the combat, and are aware of the shifter’s situation, so they may try to expose Hans Greuber as the villain he is, instead of simply a rich guy living on the coast.

Notes Since the NPC activists survived, they may attempt to raise funds to hire a team of runners to assault Greuber’s estate and break out those he has imprisoned and kill him. I am most likely going to make this idea my next run. I like the idea that these guys (the npcs) thought they could be badasses and save the day, and learned quite quickly how wrong they were. Now they can and will pool resources to hire some real badasses, which could make for some interesting interactions between the team of runners and these particular johnsons.

/r/shadownet Thread