Aaron Rodgers: Racial injustice is 'real' and Kaepernick should be in NFL

No it's not comparable. We are talking about the mans actions insulting people not his words. I've already said his words weren't the problem

To do a better analogy let's say drunk drivers are scum. But I wore a shirt one implying that all people behind the wheel of a car are scum.

Doesn't have to say it. Just use imagery that implies it.

Pigs wearing cop hats implies an insult to cops as a whole. He added to a climate of hatred and violence against police and good cops have died recently by individuals who are motivated by this kind of shit. My neighbor died a few weekends ago because some asshole who had BLM and anti cop shit all over his Facebook decided to ambush a couple cops

I truly honestly wish the fukin worst on this piece of shit who so clearly incited racial tension towards cops and is absolutely partially fukin responsible for the idiots who were motivated by his clearly reckless actions

He's a fukin role model, who wore fukin pigs on his socks with cop hats on. Yea great fukin message pal. Piece of shit buddy. I truly hope he suffers the rest of his life for this somehow cause I am certain others have suffered far more from his irresponsible actions just to gain some attention and free fukin marketing hoping it would land him a larger contract with a team and in the end it cost him ANY contract

Fuk that shallow piece of human garbage who thinly veils his true intentions with some fake concern for today's racial climate.

You're wrong buddy. He's an asshole.

He should have towed the line and shut the fuk up and enjoyed his paycheck, but he did not.

I'm an asshole, but if I don't shut the fuk up and tow the line at work and somehow end up insulting a customer even accidentally, yea im fired too go figure

Fuck this guy and any sympathy people have for him.

/r/sports Thread Parent Link - theguardian.com