Abandoning his dog in the street.

Dude at least be man enough to kill your dog instead of leaving a dog who I presume was raised in captivity (or whatever the word for in a house with humans is) to fend for itself in a city with no real hunting instincts.

It might sound sad, but my ex roomate brought home a street dog (or he followed him really) that I assume was abandoned because it had a fuckkkkkked up back leg and the dog understood the concept of shitting outside, the word "walk" which i just dont think a feral dog would know. Also I dont think there are feral dogs in this city.

Anyways lets call him charlie because thats a fake name. Charlie was happy he found us but we were poor man. I put all my money into drugs and zero into food. Seriously zero. I ate leftover fries and chicken and some times half eaten burgers but i dont like soggyness of those much from the trash of a nearby diner. So by extension thats also what Charlie ate. (Along with anything else he found he was more than welcome too eat except choclate I would always keep my eye out cause i know about dogs and chocolate)

I liked Charlie but he was just depressing to look at especially when waking up to no drugs or money or food then seeing his slowly dying and walking crooked ass whimper. I honestly would have just shot charlie or see if the vet could do some sort of free mercy killing injection if the roommate would have allowed it.

/r/iamatotalpieceofshit Thread Link - v.redd.it