"Abolish the police! Defund the prison system!"

You don't understand, you fucking bigot. The attack on our nation's capital was the worst terrorist attack on American soil in literally thousands of years. A police officer had his brains bashed in by a gang of white supremacists who were foaming at the mouth with rabies. Their organized militia showed up armed with zipties and hate in their hearts. Many of them were trained fascist democracy-haters who wanted to overthrow our great government. Every single person who is even blood-related to anyone who was so much as standing close to anybody who went to the capitol on January 6 (and possibly the days leading up to it - must investigate further) should be locked up and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law (death penalty). Science bless the brave officers who will bring these tyrants to justice, and fuck all the nazi-adjacent crypto-fascist bigots like you who dare to downplay that tragic, traumatic day in our nation's - nay, the world's - history.

/r/stupidpol Thread