Abortion bans are a violation to our first amendment rights.

I don't think that any (reasonable) person is making the claim the fetuses aren't alive, because they clearly are. It's not even a question of "is it human?" Instead, the more relevant question is "when does it gain human rights?" In other words, where do we draw the line between a simple medical procedure like an appendectomy or cancer biopsy, and murder?

I personally agree with u/prescribed_advice that abortion isn't immoral until the fetus has brain activity. Or more specifically, when when it gains a sense of self-awareness (and there may be a large gap in development time between the two). In other words, it's not wrong to kill something unless that thing is opposed to the idea of being killed.

My point is that I saw life desperately trying to be, this is a person in the making.

I really don't want to be a killjoy here. I am super thrilled that you're expecting a healthy kid, and wish them, you, and your significant other only the best. But this observation 100% reeks of anthropomorphism: a beating heart is not a rational indication of "will," "intent," or any other sign of self-awareness.

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