Abortion rates go down when countries make it legal: report

No but in the case of newborns you have the option of giving it up for adoption. You can't just teleport your unwanted fetus into another uterus. If that were an option I would be 100% against abortion. I hope in future medical science comes up with a way to separate the mother and fetus without killing it.

Also I'm aware morality and legality aren't the same thing. Which is why I think if we ban abortion we should also ban killing any animal. Because banning abortion is acknowledging that even life that isn't self aware and is completely reliant on it's host deserves human rights. This isn't an argument for abortion, I just want pro life advocates to think a little harder on their values. I think any one who is pro life and not a vegan is hypocritical because it's a lot easier to give up meat and dairy than to go through a pregnancy.

As for the life support thing, you are allowed to pull someone off life support if they're in a vegetative state. This means they slowly starve to death because euthanasia is illegal. I don't see how the machines and money they are reliant on is different to the fetus being reliant on your body. In these cases you can keep them on life support indefinitely. So is everyone who doesn't committing murder? Or is it okay to acknowledge that it's fine to put your own financial and physical well being above another person relying on you.

/r/worldnews Thread Parent Link - nbcnews.com