About 40 Crimson doubles games played, do ghosts drop?

The point of this list is to tell you which champions are the strongest at which time during the game. I'll be using the terms, early, mid, and late game and these are what it means Early game-laning phase, the first few levels when people are just farming and stuff. Mid game-When small skirmishes break out and towers start to fall. Late game-People are getting more items and everyone is grouping. All game-champions that are strong during the entire game. Aatrox (Top-early game) (jungle-Late game)Aatrox is a very good lane bully with so much sustain from his W. Also, his passive is much more useful in the laning phase and is a very good duelist. Late game though, if he doesn't land a good Q, he's pretty meh. But if he goes sated devourer in the jungle, he has good clears and meh ganks but late game sated devourer helps him a bunch and can be super tanky while still doing bunch of damages. Ahri (all game) Ahri has always been a good champion. She has good sustain in lane with her passive and her roaming potential mid game is absolutely insane with her incredible mobility. Late game, she has decent wave clear and one charm on a priority target could win you the game. Akali(mid game) pre six she's pretty weak. She gets bullied a lot until she hits level 6 with her gunblade power spike she just starts massacring. Late game teamfighting though, she doesn't have a reliable enough escape and if she doesn't burst down a squishy target, well you're done for kind of. Alistar(mid game)Mid game, Alistar just gets so tanky with his ultimate and his WQ engage for skirmishes is very strong. Late game he doesn't have enough damage though.

/r/DestinyTheGame Thread