About this community

Honestly.. traders were never an issue for me, never really encountered them in games and don’t see a problem.

Trader in a mission ignoring the objective? Leave. AFK? Leave, block - report or do whatever you need to be satisfied. (A block system is my stance, not a glorified mute system as it stands - it’s neutral ground unlike the ridiculous kick system everyone wants).

When I first joined this subreddit every post was complaining - this is a drawback from engaging with communities.

I’m incredibly tired of seeing the same rant over and over. If I’ve seen it ten thousand times I’m sure epic has - seriously.. how many times does it need to be said?

I came to this subreddit to learn and engage with a community - and for the record, I’m an Xbox player. Yes there’s lag, but I’m being patient (don’t know about you but it’s gotten better on my end).

/r/FORTnITE Thread