About a gif of German police in r/funny: "that is unconstitutional in the US" guest appearance by an American lawyer

Not the guy you replied to, but still German.

As people said already our laws certainly aren't perfect, but when it comes to cases like this or the Böhmermann one I'd say the judical system didn't go over board.

So first of all the Böhmermann case, like people said, he didn't get arrested - nothing at all came out of the whole ordeal, except for 2 things.

1) The law Erdogan used to sue him is most likely to get axed, but I guess you know that already.

2) Böhmermann is actually counter-sueing because he thinks all he did was well within the boundaries of sarcasm - chances are he'll win too, IIRC the judge already agreed that it was mostly within the bounds of what satire allows.

Personally though, I can accept his "poem" being banned, simply because while most of the stuff was justified, it's certainly not right to accuse someone of paedophilia and zoophilia.

So, yes, in my eyes everything was okay - punishment wise.

On to the guy in the second gif, well he obviously misbehaved - badly.

The fact that his music was too loud is already something the Ordnungsamt can punish with a fine (IIRC), but to go even further and also insult a police officer when you're already getting away with murder is just stupid as fuck.

So yes, arresting someone just for insulting someone isn't really okay I guess, and guess what it basically never happens, simply because our police force is trained very well I'd say.

And they definitely try to de-escalate as much as possible - like they bloody did in the gif! It was over for them until he doubled down and insulted them.

/r/ShitAmericansSay Thread Parent Link - np.reddit.com