About how long does it take to get a pull up starting from 0?

It's very difficult to say, but your first priority for this goal must be weight loss. It's an excellent goal.

The answer is 'forever' at 220 lbs- apologies for the bluntness, but them's the facts.

That doesn't mean a pull-up can't be your ultimate goal, and keep doing what you're doing, but you've got a few things to do first- the first is losing at least a quarter, and probably a third of your bodyweight.

Being light makes pullups much, much easier. You're not going to outmuscle the equivalent of a 60lb weight vest on a 160lb girl, and 160 is still on the heavy side for females doing pullups. Can be done, if you're very strong, certainly.

All this to say, if you can't do a slow, controlled negative, it's a little early to start thinking about going up.

This is an excellent goal, to be clear. Just gotta prioritize your work.

/r/xxfitness Thread