About the new rewards system...

So the reason that works in hots is because you get a random map and game type. Smite does not have this. There are multiple queues. I think it is fairly safe to assume there would more than likely be a shortage of support players compared to other roles.

With the player base being what it is and the variance in player skill what you are going to end up with are matches where the support is drastically under skilled compared to the rest of the players in the game. This typically but not always leads to bm type scenarios and bad games. The alternative to this scenario is really long queue times until it finds a suitable matchup skill-wise.

Its great for people who main support and get instant games but everyone else gets kind of screwed in the process(longer queue times, too wide a skill gap etc). I remember when WoW instituted the whole call to arms back in cataclysm essentially bribing people to queue as tanks. Because it was so profitable to be a tank at that point (free raid flasks, extra gold, mats, pets and rare mounts) If you were not a tank you were at the mercy of whatever pug tank you got in dungeons and you usually had to play around their bad behavior / manners / lack of skill. It almost encouraged shitty behavior because they knew there wasn't dick anyone could do about it. Kick them and they instantly have another matchup. If you did kick them for a new tank you got to sit there for another 20 minutes waiting for the next jerk to show up.

now imagine a support trolling in smite. doesnt like someone or decides some player is an idiot. afk's in spawn until surrender or match is over. there is no penalty for him. He instantly has another matchup. You get to sit until it finds another good matchup for you at the back of the line. If you are a casual player that might be the only game you get to play that night. Just food for thought.

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