About /r/Fatpeoplehate..

yea I've noticed in some judgement and self-righteousness and "what is wrong with people/society these days" takes way too much focus. My aunt's family and our family friends/neighbors are terrible about this. People will justify their irrational hate for other groups by rationalizing that THEY are the ones being effected or harmed in some way. Sorry for the rant ish comment but this fatphobic trend fascinates me.

People start off with thoughts like "obese people are unnattractive to me and make me uncomfortable" which is a perfectly reasonable thought to have but purely subjective and something that should be kept to yourself out of kindness&decency. (hey, we all have our own prejudiced/mean/shallow internal reactions to one thing or another. then we -hopefully- choke them down and try to recognize the person instead).

For whatever reason, fatphobic people feel compelled to treat their opinions as fact, maybe guilt? or vanity? At some point they probably read somewhere about the higher rates of health complications in obese populations. they read about national taxes and costs of treating obesity complications. (Which are all worth discussing and combating in public and individual health.)

Finally they have a rational, justifiable, defendable reason to feel angry or disgusted by fat people. They feel validated and start playing the victim. Suddently obese people: human beings struggling with a crippling chronic illness, are just a "fat fuck" who's so "selfish", "lazy" and "stealing my precious tax dollars", "straining/ruining our society" and other absurd inflamatory and unfounded statements.

TL;DR Fatphobic people seem to think that fat people are actually effecting or hurting them. When in reality they just don't care for how obesity looks. They were probably raised to think other people's business is their business. Suddenly they turn into this holy health crusader. It's ridiculous and yea, super toxic. Sometimes your opinions can just be your opinions and leave it at that.

(disclaimer: fatphobic is just a general term for prejudice and hatred against fat people. sometimes people read it as attempt to make an analogy to homophobia, but it's not meant that way at all. Just a similar route word cause of linguistics. Fat-hate is bad, but I don't consider it an equal problem to homophobia or even comparable really).

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