About those topless feminists who interrupted the Muslim speech...

Yeah, I don't get it. The whole aim of feminism seems to be to dismantle social structures that lead to inequality. It's not afraid of taking the explicate stance that a cultural tradition should be done away with if it leads to inequality when it comes to something like gender roles. But I see so few of them taking a stand against Islam even though it promotes ideals that are flagrantly incompatible with Western feminism, and wholly hostile towards women. Many of them feel that they have no place critiquing somebody else's culture, but in my view, that's the very purpose of feminism.

As steeped in post-modernism as feminism claims to be, they seem to take a position of moral absolutism, where the ends always justify the means when it comes to achieving moral perfection, and there is only one 'correct' side of history. But try applying this logic to Islam and you get ALL sorts of hand-wavy bullshit. "What about Christianity?" Pure, unabashed 'what-about'ism. "You don't understand their culture!" Okay, where else is understanding the motivation behind oppression a prerequisite to denouncing the effects it has on the oppressed? Where else is a cultural institution held so sacred that it is beyond reproach? "It's not the religion, it's the culture it!" Again, where else is such a level of nuance permitted when talking about traditions that permit violence towards women? This is just petty fogging. There is obviously some kind of relationship between the foundations of a belief system and the culture of the people who adhere to it. Also, they would not allow criticism of a 'non-white' culture anyway. Basically you could spend all day attacking each point, the bottom line is, the reasoning they used to defend Islam would not fly in any other situation.

I think you've nailed it though. It's just about what feels wrong in their gut. The rationalization comes afterwards. It's a shame to me that the suffering of women (and let's be clear - we're talking about real suffering, not man-spreading) is taking a back seat to social acceptability. Anybody seen as being in opposition to 'white' is given a special pass to engage in the very cultural behaviors that oppress women in the first place. And can we just take note of how US-centric this is? Muslims may have a tough time in America, but the royal family in Saudi Arabia is not oppressed. Muslims in Pakistan, Iraq, and Qatar are not oppressed (at least by virtue of their religion). But, I've come to expect a very myopic, culturally-ignorant view from a lot of these 'SJWs'.

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