This is absolute nonsense. This should be deleted

You're a fucking loon dude. I do care about people's feelings. I just didn't think what I posted would bother her you dumb cunt. I'm not a slimy fuck, you're a sad little basement dweller who wants to pick a fight and I've haven't harassed her. I'm not in contact with her at all. Btw the whole thing you're annoyed with me about posting, SHE put in an interview with the Russian press, so what difference does me posting it on Reddit make?

Here you go snowflake. I'm not self diagnosed. I've been to therapy and I've been diagnosed with severe anxiety and OCD. I'm better now than I was, because I'm on pills. All the info I found on her, I found when I went through a very dark part of my illness. And it's all public info, I didn't hack her etc. I don't care if you don't believe me.

You don't need to worry your stupid little head anymore. I won't post anything else about her and I've taken down my OCD post so no one is gonna bother you. But you are a nasty little cunt and your attitude could make someone kill themselves. There are people with OCD that have killed themselves because of people like you. You are the villain in this. Not me.

/r/KaterinaKozlova Thread Parent