The absolute worst type of person...

I have every right to slow down on a road.

No, you don't. Unpredictable driving is dangerous and against the law.

If you aren't intelligent enough to pay attention to other cars on the road or move over if you think someone is going to slow, the accident is pretty far from my fault.

That's not how liability works. What if the speed limit is 50, the road curves, and all of a sudden BAM an accident has occurred because some self righteous asshole driving 25 thinks the road belongs to him and he can do whatever he wants.

And same here. If you think I should appease someone tailgating me and somehow I'm in the wrong there, I hope you stay far away from me as well.

You're more concerned with being right than staying alive. You admit the tailgater may involve you in an accident, your priority should be removing yourself from the dangerous situation, not escalating it. You're a fucking fool. You shouldn't be worried about me because I value my life and drive defensively.

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