i have absolutely no idea what I'm doing with my life

I feel like I could have written this myself. Something I tell myself is it won't be like this forever. Where you are currently is not where you were a few years ago, and even if you feel like you're not where you envisioned, does not mean you won't get to that place.

I totally relate to you - I wish I had focused on a specific career during college, and wish I had started working toward my passions at an earlier age to have an emotional outlet. You are breathing though, which means you still have time.

Sometimes it doesn't feel like we have job control be it from societal pressures, the job market, bills, or friends and family expectations. What's important to remember is you get to carve your direction. Not your parents, or friends, or anyone else. I know it feels daunting if you don't know which direction to head, but know you have the ability to be strong and head in a direction you feel is right. Whatever that is. Your pace is your own.

I also find it comforting knowing successful people like Tina Fey, J.K. Rowling, and Amy Poehler for example found success later in life. As cliche as it is, everyone is figuring things out at their own pace. Something to be mindful of is to take time to recharge so it helps your thinking process. This might look like taking a walk through nature, drawing or writing, hanging with friends or pets, listening to music, or whatever it is that feels good to you. You can message me if you ever need to vent personally. I hope this helps and wish you the best, from one human to another.

/r/getting_over_it Thread