Absolutely terrifying shot of a Great White deep in the black depths.

I have seen two great whites while spearfishing the Red Triangle. In my experience they are mostly curious, rather than dangerous. Probably came to check me out because of a stringer with bleeding fish. The only times that I have ever heard of a great white attacking is when the human accidently recreated movements of prey and activated their instincts to chase. But even then, great whites realize you are mostly bone on the first bite and usually leave after that. I would still take my chances freediving or spearfishing rather than surfing or going swimming at the beach. To me that is almost suicide! Wearing a black suit, constantly smacking the waters surface, hanging out near shallow water, water breaking on sand reducing visibility for the predator, all bad combinations if you are trying to avoid a great white.

/r/pics Thread Link - i.redd.it