Was it abuse?

My mother yelled at me a lot when I was very young. I remember it and it really used to scare me. She stopped doing that when I was a little older. I got my nerve up once and asked her if she remembered doing that. She tried to apologize, but her voice kept cracking and she couldn't seem to get the words out. After finally completely breaking down, she apologized. She explained that she was sleep-deprived and completely frustrated (for a myriad of reasons), and that dealing with a toddler was the icing on the cake and she often snapped. She apologized a number of times during that initial conversation, and has apologized a number of times randomly since. Her explanation and apology was so genuine and so sincere, I learned how to forgive her, understand her, and now we both can refer to it in a somewhat joking manner. Hearing her apologize and seeing how remorseful she was was incredibly healing. I wonder if you would have the same experience with your father if you brought it up to him?

/r/relationship_advice Thread