Abusive Ex Lying to the Court

First, I’m sorry you’re going through this life change. Moving, ending a relationship, court. That’s never fun and it sounds like you’ve been through hell. I do feel that you should possibly talk about this in counseling. You stated you took him to a couples session. Do you still go, alone? I question that if you do, you aren’t getting answers you want. When you post on online forums, it’s anonymous and you’re only going to get the answers you want to hear. Because you only have to post your side and what you want others to believe. Just don’t forget there are two sides to everything and it seems a lot of details are probably missing. But like you said, you don’t want to write a novel and feel rambley enough as it is.

Try to remember that he is a person, too. Did you ever wrong him? Ignore him? Push or yell at him? I’m not trying to victim blame. I just want you to make sure you’re being fair, and remember that the person you once loved enough to share a life with, is still a person with raw emotion and feelings too. As much as my ex husband yelled at me or made me feel small, after it was over and I reflected, I wasn’t innocent. I belittled him sometimes, wouldn’t give him space to cool down, would slap at his chest. It was abuse too, I realized.

Just try your best to end things without bitterness and regret. Don’t fight or haggle over the little things. I’ve been there. It’s not worth it. It sounds like you have a pet together.. maybe allow him to see the dog? I think you can leave a pet for supervised visits at shelters. I’ve had an ex husband take a pet and it hurts and is hard to lose a companion completely like that, not to mention a furry companion too. I wish so badly for those puppy cuddles again.

I’m not one to post on things, but, I just felt compelled. I know he has wronged you badly. But just try to remember if you ever wronged him, too.

You’ll get through this, stronger and more resilient than ever, girl.

/r/domesticviolence Thread