Academic Librarian - InfoLit sessions

My sympathies. Library instruction is dry, boring and largely pointless and redundant. The students don't want to sit through it, and you probably don't want to be there either.

Show them whatever Discovery service you are using, dig into JSTOR or Academic Search Complete, ask if everyone has found an article relevant to their topic (all the hands will go up); tell them about consultations (they won't be interested). then head out the door, fast as you can without seeming rude.

Chances are you'll be babysitting while the course instructor is at a conference, so only one third of the class will be there anyway. Their biggest question will be: "You will be giving the sign-in sheet to Professor X won't you?" The more generous among them will have signed-in three of their friends, too, using two different inks and a pencil.

Then back to your desk and the stuff that really matters, like the annual report no-one other than your supervisor will read, some nonsense about marketing three people might read, or planning programming that never happens because no-one signs up for it.

Look at the calendar. Dream of your retirement year.

/r/librarians Thread