Academy Starts Disciplinary Proceedings Against Will Smith, Expulsion on the Table; Actor Refused to Leave Ceremony

I am agreeing with you. Strip them all. But usually the people living in now times, start with now now times and work their way back. You can strip john wayne today but hes 72 years old. Dudes at the end of his life the average white guy lives for what 76 years and that number actually has started to go down. All that does is send a tiny messages to the elderly that are incoherent and dead, that we don't tolerate your shit anymore. Big whoop. Just the same strip it and have a fucking parade for all i care. FUck john wayne. Im a 39 year old dude with an iphone. I don't give a fuck about a black and white tv relic of the past. Were his movies iconic? yes Were his characters? Yes. Do i respect and admire a man behind the character that did some bullshit.. hell no. I don't know what you want from the past but we are in 2022. A time where we can only punish for the most part people currently committing crimes. It's the same as us sniffing out any shithole nazi that are still alive. Sure try him and hang em but they are 98 years old they probably shit their pants without the threat of rope. They can't even remember their lunch. Every nation sucks all our histories suck. All we can do is be better people.

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