Accept startup offer or create my own?


It calls for a choice to select either a startup or start something on your own. It entirely depends on the experience, credibility, academic qualifications, technical and financial capabilities, etc. Look for all the residing factors before you make your choice.

You should be firm with your decisions. Make informed choices when you are on the crossroads of what to choose when and where. It entirely depends on the person’s discretion like the choices he will make up for the career road ahead. 

Since you have just graduated, thus you don’t have the experience of leading or setting up a team. It is important and can count as a mature decision to not setup a startup of own until you are too sure in accumulating all the things straight once you enter in setting up a startup domain.

According to us, you should join a startup and gather some experience while working on technologies and understand the actual dynamics and what goes into setting up a startup.

It’s better you should go by your own discretion and make a choice for yourself.

Go through this link to get a deep insight on our mission statement:

Hope it helps!


/r/startups Thread