Accepted into all 8 Ivies

If you look at the argument that African Americans have it easier in college admissions yes that is true, but if you look at history you will understand this advantage. This goes back to slavery and how it is instilled in the African American fabric. Slavery ended 1865 - thats not even 200 years ago. And in that time African Americans were not allowed to read and if they did that was punishable by death. It is naive to say that doesn't have an impact to this day.

In terms of admissions, point black period no college is gonna accept an unqualified applicant. Thats just the case. If a diverse candidate on the other hand has lower test scores - in the bottom 25% so 27-30 ACT - it can be argued that the perspective that applicant is going to bring to discussions and the school is more valuable than one measure.

It is for that reason diverse candidates have a little bit of an easier time in admissions.

/r/ApplyingToCollege Thread Parent