Accidentally Pulled off a piece of the urinal, to reveal a note from someone else who also pulled off a piece of the urinal!

"To Whomever Finds This,

We have crossed the final barrier, but there will be no reprieve for us, it seems. Each of our party members now seeks solace in their God, or unto themselves as their beliefs incline them too. Some are stoic, but in the dark there are tears as well. We have crossed plain, and prairie and mountain... but now our journey ends here. Some may find it ignoble that a well funded government expedition ends at a men's urinal, but the knowledge and science we have accomplished belies the humble end point of our trek. I only pray that someday, at some distant future date, these journals are found, and the knowledge within them will benefit mankind. This world is extraordinary, and in these final hours I find peace knowing we have done our part to further human betterment. Our candles are fading, the air grows heavy with heat and our expirations. I suspect we have but hours left. Rebecca, if you ever read this; know that it was always you, and only you. Raise John not to be fearful of the past, and in the knowledge that our greatest triumph was bringing him into this world. I have, and will always, love you always.

May God Have Mercy On Our Souls,
The clean-up crew of the MoviePlex 8 after Endgame Opening Night.

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