According to this sub: Hanzo is awful and you should never pick him BUT ALSO Hanzo is OP and should be nerfed.

Should a sniper who is perched alone on some high ground be able to kill the person jumping them, instantly at close range and with one shot?

Blizzard is using TF2 sniper mechanics via charged shots. The reason the TF2 sniper works the way he does is because Valve didn't want the sniper rifle to be best close range weapon in the game, while also being the best long range weapon in the game.

It's like Blizzard didn't understand this balancing premise when they designed Hanzo. He can instant kill at range with charged arrows. He can instantly kill at point blank with scatter shot.

Basically, he instantly kills at all ranges. That's a bit much. Mcree has stun and FAN for close range instant kills. Still, when Zen orb was allowing Mcree to instant kill at range, it was nerfed as a result. He wasn't allowed to do both close and far instant kills. I'm sure why Hanzo is allowed.

Hanzo should reimagined into someone who is feared at range or close up, but he shouldn't be able to do both. Especially when doing both has to be "balanced" in a way that makes him an overall weak hero.

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