Accused of taking photos of people at gym

Yes, this is roughly what I'm thinking. My current plan is to see if they can produce this footage (I'm convinced they cannot -- I keep thinking of how much they hesitated when I asked them to be specific about it) and if they cannot I think they would make some sort of concession. In that case

I too get really worked up when I'm accused of something like this by strangers or people I don't know on a personal level. Maybe if a person is very sociable and interacts with strangers often it would not be a big deal, but when you don't, you simply don't have the social fortitude to shrug it off.

I'm actually a pretty sociable and socially confident guy, but I still feel this way. I don't think I've ever felt so insulted and I think I would feel better about myself if I at least challenge it with them. A refund would not just help me get out of the situation financially but feel vindicating.

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