[Achievement]A3 solo with Hermes/SQ team

Inherits: Balboa on Isis, Urd on Bmyr, Indra on Merlin. Balboa for predra, Bmyr was basically put in the team for the urd inherit but now that I think about it her stats and awakenings are really good too. Indra actually saved my life which I'll explain in detail later. Used RCV Badge, had about 6-7k ish rcv that way without using an active which was pretty much enough for stalling through most things. I used Isis' base active if I ever needed to heal to full though. As you can tell by the screenshot I stalled for more than 100 turns on noahdra lol. Indra on Merlin came up sometimes and it was very helpful there. At first I popped Indra and did a tpa to knock her below 90% to take her First Judgement so that while I stalled out the 99 turn absorb I wouldn't accidentally do it and get rage nuked. And I did end up knocking her under 90 multiple times so I'm pretty grateful for that. It was basically praying for her to not heart break too many times in a row and give me blue absorb every now and then so I could dump my blues without accidentally doing too much damage. Spawns were sopdet, leviathan, lakshmi, hera is, threedia, athena, noahdra, dkali.

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