Achievement Hunter on Twitter: Due to increasingly hateful and hostile behavior in our community, Off Topic and F-ing Around will not air live today. Later today, RTTV chat will be gated to FIRST members until further notice.

Thank you for your efforts. I don't blame you guys for the job you volunteer to have. For months I felt that the mod team in RTTV has such a light hand on the amount of toxicity allowed; it dawned on me recently that my issue is not with the mods but with the platform itself. The fact that people are allowed to spew toxicity for hours without being muted is terrible, and it has only gotten worse with one of the sponsors being political which brings out the worst every time the sponsor is mentioned. That plus the mute command being broken means I don't ever open chat anymore.

RT please empower your mods. Racism, sexism, and written harassment against your talent should be banned immediately, even if the perpetrator is a paying First member. A temporary ban to start with a lead up to a permaban. Not messing around with giving them non-muted chances. It degrades the talent and the experience itself.

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