ACLU apologizes to Twitter hate mob, admits that a picture of a white child is an example of "white supremacy".

It's going to be war I fear. I think there will be no choice. I was worried about that back around 2003 and could not have even imagined how ridiculous things have become now. I have no more tolerance or patience to give. I have a non-white girlfriend and she finally snapped last night promptly after finally realizing the depth of what is going on and realizing that they think she's part of their club simply for being "brown". There are minorities these days that can't stand minorities anymore and want them gone.

I've been looking at US history lately for various reasons and have discovered the root of why the north was against slavery. It wasn't a moral stance as much as not wanting those people transported over here because they knew eventually they would fuck everything up. They were right. The Civil War should have been fought not only to protect the union but to send blacks back to Africa. I've never felt this way in my life until now and the blacks can thank themselves for that as I've been on their side most of my life.

-/u/folderol, parent

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