[Acne] My face is a field of disgusting land mines.

Aside from what others have said (no soap bars on face, gentle, low pH cleansers, and moisturizer), your acne looks worse on the right side of your face. Do you sleep on that side? If so, consider changing your pillowcases every two days, since they tend to accumulate bacteria and gunk. You're basically laying your face on that all night.

Also, try to avoid touching your face. If you spend long times sitting down, try to sit straight to avoid resting your face in your hands. Once I stopped doing this, the acne I had on my left cheek got much better.

For scarring, I'd recommend waiting until your acne has cleared. Then consider trying AHAs.

Finally, check out this post about dehydrated skin. You say your skin looks dry in the picture, but it's actually oily. Oily skin shouldn't look dry after cleansing. Maybe you have oily (or even normal) dehydrated skin, and your skin is producing extra oil to try to fix the dryness. If you're using a rough soap bar and no moisturizer, it's pretty likely. Try drinking more water and getting a non-comedogenic moisturizer.

Good luck ^ ^

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