[Action/Shooter] R.E.D. 12 pages (need help with a logline!)

First scene: I'm not sure that's how you intercut. It all makes sense, but maybe you have to introduce them in their rooms first. You should add an age to these characters. I get they play video games, but that covers a 12-40 range.

I would differentiate Open Area 1 and Open Area 2, even if they are identical. And you say it could be a Field, Parking Lot etc, so why not just pick one?

You should capitalize BAD GUYS and maybe describe them and the fight scene at least a little bit. "Ending IN the death of..."

You say the "tree of them" twice. Is that intentional?

You say the fight is one-sided, but if Brad's crew can't take damage, how would Taylor's crew even survive? How would they just not be instantly cut to shreds? What does that mean "close to death?" Are they bloodied up? Do they have bullets in them and cuts everywhere? Why doesn't Brad just run up to them and stab them? You call this action, but you never describe the action!

They all have boring white people names. And that's only a problem because I can't use their names to differentiate them, because they are all the same character. They all talk the same and act the same.

The second big problem is that it's a video game. There are no stakes. I mean, why would I watch this instead of just playing Counter-Strike myself? There's no excitement in watching virtual people fight.

And what's with this damsel in distress sexism? Why is it just six boys playing and they have to save a GIRL? No, a "PRINCESS." And of course she's the character that goes under some mind control. Rape fantasy much? If anything, this script serves as a satirical art piece of sexism in video game culture, and how boys have been raised to think of women not as mindless objectives ready to be tied up and "saved." I guess the biggest truth in this story is that the only kisses these boys are going to get is from a virtual female.

Here's your logline, Mr. "will do sex for karma": one group of boys must show the other group of boys who has the biggest dick, I mean rifle, in order to see who gets to rape, I mean save (I don't actually mean save, I actually mean rape), the oh-so-helpless princess.

/r/ReadMyScript Thread