I actually don't know where to talk about this so I'll try here. How dangerous is it as a man to help women and children these days?

I imagine most people ask for evidence to see if you have a leg to stand on, not to reveal they have no leg to stand on. You didn’t actually send me evidence that I asked for (I’ve explained this several times now so don’t worry) and as I’ve also said, I understand now you used a hypothetical situation, so, of course there’s no evidence for it.

But yeah, psychologically, most people will never revert from the arguments they believe in even in the face of defying evidence. (I don’t actually see where I did this, I said I didn’t think it was possible that “such and such” would happen, but now I see that it is).

This is the issue with most of the “CMV” posts on this sub, I swear no OP ever truly gets their view changed.

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