I actually enjoy having this disorder if anyone can relate

At first it was terrifying, I genuinely thought I was dying. Now I appreciate it because I know that it is my brain protecting me from trauma. Yet it can be truly horrible. Sometimes I am unable to barely speak, or pay attention to anything at all. I loose feeling in my body and cannot recognize myself or remember who I am. My dpdr is 24/7, and it sounds like you just have 'existential crisis' depersonalization/derealization. For those who have the disorder it makes living life very difficult. Sometimes when walking I will have a panic attack because I cannot feel my legs, or I will think I am having a heart attack because I cannot feel my left arm. Like you said, it can be like functioning on weed. Now imagine always being high constantly and never being unable to stop being high. Yet it is when you got too high and are unable to feel happy. The world is wavy, nothing makes sense, you cannot feel your body, and you cannot recognize yourself.

/r/Depersonalization Thread