I actually love and respect our referenda.

I'm not saying the votes will be the best choice. That's the point of a democracy. Your logic is that if you don't get what you want then democracy fails. Ireland was coming out of a terrible history. The amount of countries who come out of such history only to fall to authoritarianism is astonishing. Yet our voting keeps us in a position to have a say and do not fall to populism. The childish view, I didn't get what I want right now so I don't like them is silly. You seem to forget that people wanted that vote and if they didn't get it you assume the world would be lovely. They would be pissed. They would react. And the issue would seem unfair. Right now we had a referendum you would support. But imagine if the politicians had said... Sorry let's not do this the people don't know better.

This view is just petty and pedantic

/r/ireland Thread Parent