Actually Shooter McGavin is the best

And you can't stop kissing her ass?

This is how I know you are incapable of having a calm, objective discussion about these things. You get butthurt for Donald Trump and then accuse everyone else of having some weird obsession with a candidate, as if it's everyone else that has found themselves in a cult of personality.

Funny, I never mentioned Hillary. This is much bigger than Hillary. And it involves a traitor POTUS who used the resources and aid of foreign country, one that was intent on disrupting our political process, in order to get himself elected.

You can peacock all you want about Hillary losing the election (with the popular vote). You're like that one cousin or sibling that cheats at Monopoly and when everyone starts getting aggravated you act like they are jealous of your success and not upset that you cheated to get there. Unfortunately, life isn't a game, and you can't just toss the board and walk away. You're stuck hearing about how you were conned by a criminal for the rest of your life. Your children and grandchildren will read about it in textbooks, and they will come home from school wondering how anyone could be so gullible, much in the way we look at McCarthyism and the Red Scare today.

You're the skid mark on the panties of American history, it's too bad you are too adsorbed in sniffing Hillary's used panties to notice.

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