Acupuncture: Not A Science


What does that mean? Is there Eastern physics? Eastern chemistry? Eastern mathematics? Is "eastern" a code word that means, "Let's be a bit more loose-goosey with our standards of evidence,"?

with dozens and dozens of Generations of practitioners studying and passing down findings and adjustments for efficacy of approach

So was humorism and blood-letting. Also, TCM is largely a product of the 1940s; Mao Zedong's creative solution to a shortage of doctors.

Coming from a western paradigm we want to see -down to the specific nerve cluster, dermatome and endocrine response - a repeatable documentable “cause = effect and this is why”.

Or, you know, wanting evidence that acupuncture is more effective than a placebo. A plasuable mechanism of action would also be nice, but it's not a requirement.

Are you so opposed to acupuncture therapy because of the fact that it’s methodology’s and practitioners are foreign to you?

Are you in favor of it just because it seems more "exotic" in a, low-key, objectifying brown people as having special magical knowledge, kind of way?

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