Is ADC even worth it in silver?

It's worth it to play ADC at any elo. Your win rates are good right now so you might even start climbing if you keep doing what you're doing. There's an argument that adc isn't great a low elo due to relying on another player to perform but if you get to the late game your skill should shine through and reward you in teamfights and in efficiency taking objectives. Looking at your stats on I can see your farm isn't great. If you're not farming well with ADC you might not be reaching item powerspikes early enough to carry teamfights, also you're not pressuring the map by pushing waves. Also I notice that it seems like you're better at playing AD caster type ADCs like Jhin and MF rather than mechanically simpler and more typical adc ones like Tristana and Twitch. It's odd that you're performing worse on carries that are considered much stronger and easier (at least in this meta) considering that you have a decent amount of games played on them too!. There might be some inherent problem with the way you play these adcs. Maybe your positioning in teamfights isn't good and you aren't pumping out sustained damage leading you to play better on burst type champions but it's hard to analyze much without watching vods. In summary work on your positioning and push waves. If you address your core issues and the basics of adc that you seem to be failing you should climb.

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