Adding Mastery Requirements for Champs Could Be a Solution for Current Ranked Problems

> This will change nothing for smurf except encouraging even more botted account grinding mastery.

How??? I'm sorry, but I'm losing a little bit of patience. How will requiring bot accounts to diversify their levelling system (which is almost all ARAM currently) to level up specific champions with at least 20 mastery 4 level champion encourage the use of botted account? Sure, the demand might increase (but by how much of more of a plain level 30 account where you can buy all twenty of your champions) but the supply definitely decreases!

> I think you're under the idea that Riot create some sort of sophisticated profile per player to see if they're grieffing. And unless they changed a lot of stuff that's not the case. So it will not help champ select hostage situation in any way.

You giving Riot so little credit! I have alumni of my school that work at Riot and they have amazing software and a dedicated team, and they have told me first hand that they are using machine learning to detect griefing.

> Once again you're being more a pain in the ass for regular player than for people that show behaviour you're trying to prevent.

Log in and tell me how many mastery 4 champs you have right now. You're answer is going to shock yourself. Regular players will have no issue hitting mastery 4 on any champ they enjoy playing, and if your argument is about new players. It isn't recommended that new players jump into ranked immediately anyway!

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