ADHD hacks

what a great idea!! thanks for sharing! some of your tips are really helpful and/or similar to the things i do as well.

i try to somewhat trick myself into doing things: - daily: i pack my bag and choose my clothes the night before. it forces me to check the weather, appointments and other tasks so i can pack and dress accordingly. - studying w: tablet: i always have two tabs open, good notes and pigment. i switch between drawing and studying. whenever i swipe up to see both tabs (idk why i do this so regularly), i go to the other app. i set a screen time limit of 15 minutes for pigment, so when i start drawing, i am reminded shortly after to go back to studying. then i switch back to good notes. its hella annoying but thats why it works for me. - studying w/ laptop: whenever i feel the need to procrastinate, i do it on my phone with my laptop in front of me. i see what i should be doing whenever i look up from the phone. we love some good ✨work guilt✨ lol - chores inside: there is almost always something laying around. i put that away, and while i am there, i look for another thing to clean or tidy up. when i need to clean the whole bathroom or kitchen, i spray everything with cleansing agent so i need to clean it all immediately in one go or the whole apartment smells like an effing chlorine factory. - laundry: i put most of my clothing directly into the washing machine. i start it as soon as its full. if its too late (i live in an apartment so i cant do my laundry all night + i struggle sleeping with the noise), i either set the timer (really cool feature). sometimes if i know i will get a shower in the morning or wash my pajamas, i put the detergent on the toilet seat or in the shower so i cant forget to do the laundry as soon as i get up. - chores outside: i prepare it the night before (garbage bag, sponges etc in a basket, whatever i need for the chore) and put it next to the door. - paying bills: i have an e banking app on my phone. i have my phone on me 24/7. whenever i see a bill, i immediately scan the bill and place the payment order on the next possible day. i dont wait for the due date. - keys: i keep all of my keys in the same bowl. never anywhere else, or i will certainly lose them. - groceries: i keep a tiny notebook and a pen in the kitchen. so whenever i run low/out on something, i add it to the grocery list. otherwise i forget and buy everything lol - hygiene: its disgusting i know but i sometimes struggle to do that regularly. usually i work out 5 times a week, so shower/washing hair isnt too much of an issue. i usually get ready for bed with my partner, so i kind of have the social pressure of flossing/brushing teeth regularly and well. - skin care: i often wore make up but forgot to take it off in the evening. i started doing a relatively heavy eyeliner lol that reminds me how necessary it is to take the make up off and clean and moisturize my skin properly. i have set a reminder for monday evening for a broader skin care routine. - water: i carry my bottle with me. always. and as soon as its less than half full, i fill it up. - period: i have a cute and tiny chocolate box that holds its shape well. i always keep a few tampons and a pad inside. i tried but struggled with those cups tbh. - siri: i have set a few shortcuts. eg when i say „hey siri, its time to study“ the light changes to a bright blue (helps focus) and turns on the do not disturb mode on my phone.

wow i have spent some more time on this than i wanted lol

/r/ADHD Thread